One of the striking things in our world is curiosity or interest. Everything that is shown or displayed is to generate interest and appeal to our senses. The movie trailers on YouTube or social media platforms are to generate interest. The billboard posters are to generate interest. Music promotion is to create interest. Commercials on TV are to generate interest and awareness.
Interestingly, this article is equally to know the word. The poignant thing about all this, is, that there is some form of perception created before you either subscribe to the advertisement or decline it altogether. In essence, we perceive before we decide. We see then we are judged. We hear then we understand. And the list is endless. Due to the interest and awareness created or unearthed, young and old individuals alike move dedicatedly towards the excitement and satiate their appetite.
In that same regard, the journey of life demands interest; interest in the past, present, and future. We are born with a deficiency or gap. A gap of not knowing things, a deficit in understanding our environment, and the difficulty of how to do things. Our journey through life consistently asks us questions of KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, AND WISDOM. These three words are etched in one word: VISION. Just like the movie trailers, the billboard posters, or fashion display at a fashion show, you need to see (not necessarily physically) the prospect of a future then, and only then, should we be able to move dedicatedly towards the realization of it.
I would firmly suggest that no one likes an unpleasant experience because no one plans for an unpleasant experience; everyone looks to have a great day, every day of the week, building on success, fulfillment, relaxation, and entertainment - the order to those words is subjective to every individual. Inherently, we all subtly would like great things to happen in our lives and we may even offer it up in conversation or scribble down in our notepad our hopes, dreams, and wishes. There are two quotes I love so much, namely:
1. Write the vision and make it plain on the tablets; that he may run that reads it for the vision is for an appointed time.
2. Where there is no vision, the people perish
What do you see and where are you looking?
WHAT? WHY? HOW? Three deadly questions every individual should ask themselves. I always ask myself these questions every day to keep me in check and view my life.

For example, a student is struggling in school, or the most common thing is, that they have no idea what they would like to do or where they are going in life. What I do with the students I teach and coach is, help them cultivate a vision for their life, not just to pass an exam but to set a standard of where they are going and what their lives should be.
Is it to become a top footballer, a decorated surgeon, a platinum music producer, a renowned engineer...the list goes on and they all follow the path of KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, AND WISDOM.

KNOWLEDGE: What does a footballer do? What makes a person qualify as a top footballer? What do I do after a football career? What should I learn? What does life entail? What is the meaning of life?
UNDERSTANDING: Why do I want to become a top footballer? Why not an average footballer? Why do I need to be a footballer? Why should my life matter? Why should I learn? Why is it important to have meaning in life?
WISDOM: How do I train? How do I eat? How do I act? How do I become a footballer? How do I learn the skills? How do I pursue answers? How do I find meaning?
VISION! If you don't have a vision for your life, your career, your relationships, health, mental transformation, values, family, and other areas, you'll find that at the end of your journey or mid-way through your life you will be bored, tired of everything and ready to just give up. Take a few moments today to think about this, put pen to paper on a few answers to the questions after brainstorming and you will see a big difference in your mannerism.